Best of the blogs

For some reason, this was a very fashiony week here on Cup of Jo, and so is this blog round-up!

A Sound-of-Music fashion story. Everyone loves Maria.

Feeling jaded about fashion? Check out this striking dress. Yowza!

Erica is bringing oxfords back.

If you're getting tired of wedding madness, watch the SWEETEST bicycle wedding. (YouTube video here.)

Pia offers this breezy beautiful new Danish line. She says she fell in love, and I think you will, too.

Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.

Have a good weekend, my lovelies! More home design and some special treats next week....
(Photo from Soon Lee.)
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Wanted: A Desk

As a magazine writer, I often work from home. Mostly I prop myself up on my bed and write in this really awkward, hunched over position (like right now, in fact), which is definitely not awesome for my back. I've realized that I have to get a desk, both to save on future chiropractic bills and to get off my bed. :) How much do you love this simple bright work space via Desire to Inspire? I also really like this wire chair, which Grace (of Design Sponge fame) had at her old office. Any other chair/desk/workspace tips, my dear readers?
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Bare Your Back

Remember this dress? Well, here's another beauty with a very pretty back...
(Via About Some Things.)
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Happy One Year Anniversary, Alexei!

I have had a wonderful year with you. I love you, my sweet babe.
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Elvis would be psyched...

These blue suede shoes are from a while back, but they will always look beautiful and sexy, don't you think?
(Via Fashion is Spinach.)
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Happy Sartorial Thursday

Three extra beautiful women in Italy from the Sartorialist. I guess black tights are the thing.
And a cute dude in Milan. Apparently, the Sartorialist had to hold his pizza box while taking the photo. Italians!
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I'm having dinner with this guy tonight.

So tonight, Alex and I are having dinner with Esquire writer A.J. Jacobs and his awesome wife Julie. They're both really hilarious--for example, A.J. just wrote this article about helping their babysitter find a boyfriend through online dating. He learned, by proxy, what it's like to be a beautiful woman. Very funny. And don't worry, this is what he really looks like:
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Ebay Find

Inspired by Abbey's chair collection, I took the quickest of quick peeks on eBay and found this Finn Juhl chieftan chair, designed in Denmark in 1949. Alex always talks about getting a comfy chair for reading, and I would happily welcome this iconic, sculptural chair into my living room.

Too bad the SHIPPING COSTS alone are $999. Zoinks.
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Spring Wish List

Just when I say I want to look like a dude, I discover the lovely Swedish brand Permanent Vacation.
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Elly Makes Awesome Neckwarmers

This January, I interviewed Elly Fales about her Colorado house. (See the Cookie home tour here.) A few weeks later, I found a package on my doorstep: Elly had sent me this homemade neckwarmer! I couldn't believe it. She based it on the neckwarmer in my holiday gift guide. It was so sweet and unexpected. Thank you, Elly!
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Chair Envy

I admire Abigail Hendrickson's chair collection very, very much. See them on all Poppytalk.
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Can't wait for this movie

Growing up, I was fascinated by the story of Henry VIII. (I mean, who beheads their wives?! It's crazy!) I watched Anne of the 1000 Days a million times. So I can't wait for The Other Boleyn Girl starring Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman, who are such a cool pair. P.S. Plus, the most awkward kiss ever on the red carpet, which magazines are of course calling "steamy."
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Berlin house tour

Check out this house tour on Cookie. I love the wooden toys, huge windows and simple, relaxed feel. (Plus, they're so lucky to live in Berlin!) Read more here.
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Merde, it's a busy week.

I have three huge assignments this week and am feeling sleepy and snowed under. I wish I could just take long walks and drink hot chocolate. Bridget Bardot captures my mood exactly....
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a woman in men's clothing

For some reason, this spring I want to look like a dude. All the clothes I’m drawn to look like menswear, such as this Steven Alan romper and these suspenders from Toast.
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Best of the Blogs

Blogs have been so good this week that I wanted to do a little round-up. Here are some things to make you smile....

* You can never have too much lavatorial humor.

* Even when you're in love, you need some personal space. When you're a retired Finnish professor, that means building a house in the backyard.

* I can't stop lusting after airy Euro lofts with white/cream/brown color schemes.

* Just as J. Crew comes out with the happiest wedding collection ever, Chelsea posts the city hall wedding of one of their models. (Funny how she still looks like she's modeling.)

* Black Eiffel brings us modern-day Hitchcock.

* These poppyseed pancakes have inspired me to host a brunch party. With mimosas!

* Martha B wrote a genius post about what she'd do differently if she redid her wedding. LOVE the idea of a pearl engagement ring.

Have a great weekend, my dears!
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Ramona Vintage

Ramona Vintage is an etsy boutique filled with 1970's vintage finds. They're pretty mini, but if you can squeeze into them, they are adorable and look like what Kirsten Dunst would wear in The Virgin Suicides.
(Big thanks to Alyson for this discovery.)
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The Grey Sweatsuit Revolution

This week is all about color! After reading my New York Mag story, Simon Wilkinson emailed me about his Grey Sweatsuit Revolution. During spring 2004, his art group wore ONLY grey sweatsuits. "Fuck using clothes as a form of expression," they said. "Think of something more valid, like what you do with your time or what you have to say." While I would curl up and die before leaving the house in a sweatsuit, I love the mission of this project and the awesomeness of these goofy dudes.
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Hanging Kids' Art

I just wrote about how to display kids' art for Cookie Magazine's website. Seven moms shared their ingenious (and adorable) ideas. Check it all out here.
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Sigh. Lamp Love.

I think I've caught Emma's pink fever. This pink Ochre handblown glass lamp is giving me all kinds of heart palpitations.
(Via Remodelista.)
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Coffee, Tea or Me?

My great-aunt was a stewardess in the 1960s when air travel was super glamorous. Not surprisingly, she was blonde, British and had great legs. Nowadays, flight attendants are less glamorous and sexually harrassed, but it remains a very intriguing lifestyle. Photographer Brian Finke has photographed flight attendants around the world, and I like the odd antiseptic quality of his photos. Finke is currently exhibiting at New York's ClampArt; the gallery opening is tonight from 6-8. Hope to see some of you there?
P.S. Brian Finke has also done cool photo series of cheerleaders, football players, bodybuilders and frat boys.
P.S. I love that line from The Flight of the Concords: "You are so beautiful, you could be an air hostess in the 60s."
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Fashion Week Will Not Die

After New York fashion week, then Paris fashion week, we're onto Italy! It was worth the wait: Check out these shoes and tights from Marni's Fall 2008 collection. The stripes, the textures, that skinny heel....the word rad comes to mind.
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Let's Visit My Twin Sis!

Last year, my twin sister Lucy broke my heart and moved to San Francisco. But the silver lining is that her house is such a great place to visit. An outdoor enthusiast, Lucy shows her love of nature through her personality-packed decor. (Plus, she always has a tray of burritos in the fridge.) Let's peek inside, shall we?

Tell us about your house.
This is the first house my husband Paul and I bought; it's the first house that feels like A Real House, which is partly why I'm so excited. It feels like a ski lodge and cabin. Outside, there's a deck, deer, a valley with trees...

Why is it important to have that indoor/outdoor connection?
Paul and I both worked at camps and lodges during college, and we bonded over that when we first met. These days, we burn stress during our medical residencies by being outside together. A big plan for our next vacation is to stay in our friends' ski cabin in Lake Tahoe. That's so appealing to both of us.

Do you decorate in ways that bring in the outdoors?
We have plants indoors, which is new for me since we have to water them. On the coffeetable, there's dried eucalyptus from the farmer's market. Above our couch, we hung prints of Bolivia, where I did a hiking expetition, and Lake Tahoe, where Paul worked in college.

It's funny that when you took these photos, your Christmas tree was up.
It's still up! We took the ornaments off, so now it's just a tree. I'm thinking about putting it in the bedroom, just to surprise Paul.

Where did you get the Kid A poster?
Years ago, when I lived in Boston, I went into a record store in Harvard Square and bought a Radiohead album. The kid at the register said, in a deadpan voice, "By the way, you're the millionth customer to buy this album, so you win this," and brought it out. I obviously was not the millionth customer.

And you have the dog!
He's so soft. Yesterday, my blind friend came over and ended up with the dog on his lap. Before, whenever I said to Paul, "I have a great present for you!" he says, "A dog?? A puppy??" so I got this for him.

Does he have a name?
Luke. Sometimes we think we'd name our kid Luke, partly because it's like naming him after me, Lucy. Paul really likes the gospel of Luke in the Bible, and in addition to being a biblical author, Luke was also a doctor.

Do you make most of the decor decisions?
Oh, yeah, definitely--so, whenever Paul likes something, I always get it. He picked this photo [above] at a street fair. He didn't know why he liked it, but I was like, "Done, let's buy it."

What's the story behind the Buddha?
My dad had a smaller version. I asked him if I could have it, and he said, "You can have it when I die." At that stage in my life, I thought that was a really weird answer, so I got my own so I wouldn't have to get his when he died.

Where did you buy it?
I first saw this in a store in Boston. The story is that the buddha's sad because he's taking on everyone's troubles. I was actually really sad at the time, so my mom bought it for me and wrote a little card saying, "This buddha is going to take on your troubles."

I know, it was really cute.

Did it work?
Not at the time. (Laughs)

Where did you get these paintings? They were painted my grandmother and aunt, who live in England. They show my grandparents' Cornish fishing village, where we spent all our childhood summers.

How did the photo wall come about? My friend Andy Smith and his wife have a photo wall. When we visited, I spent lots of time looking at it and wanted to do the same thing.

What do guests think of yours?
They always say, "This is so cute." You end up talking about parts of your life you would never have otherwise talked about.

Where is it in your home?
The front hallway. I have pictures of myself in places and with people I love, so when I walk into my house in scrubs after staying up all night, I can think, this is who I really am, not the tired, boring person that I feel like right now.

How's your first year of medical residency going?
Hopefully this is the hardest year of our lives. We work crazy hours at different hospitals. For example, I saw Paul on Monday morning and I won't see him again until Thursday and we live together. I'm working days and he's working nights.

How do you feel about living in California?
I love it for three reasons: 1) The mountains are here, the oceans are here; you can ride your bike across the Golden Gate Bridge to Marin, where it's big country. 2) I love how people are interested in nature: Everyone recycles, farmer's markets are everywhere. 3) You don't have those horrible winters where you feel like your life is on hold until the spring. And people are more relaxed. In the hospital, we call our attendings by their first names and not everyone wears a tie.

That's four reasons. Do you want to say anything to Paul in case he reads this?
I would say anywhere I live with him will be my home. I'm excited to live in my home for the rest of my life.
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Paris Loft

How gorgeous and airy is this white-walled space? As if we needed any more reason to move to Paris....
(Via Style Files.)
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Pink Love

Speaking of pink, I would love to WASP it up and wear this to a garden party. From Issaac Mizrahi's fall 2008 collection.
(Via A Dress a Day)
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